Boracay Adventures is website that aims to share experiences, tips and guide about Boracay.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On 8:04 PM by sikimpoyako   No comments
Boracay is really a popular destination that even beaches from other places would be proud to be named after it. This was evident in Sarangani where one of its beaches was named “Boracay of the South”. Featured in Matanglawin, the beach of Lemlunay, Sarangani shows an enticing row of white sand beaches and azure waters which can be compared to the world class beaches of Boracay.  Popular...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

On 1:43 AM by sikimpoyako   No comments
[Your web browser does not support frames or is currently configured not to display frames. However, you may visit the related page.] Click the timer to reset. Have you been to Boracay before? If you are a regular tourist of the island, you will guess this place easily. This place is the most famous shopping center in Boracay. This open air establishment is a one-stop-shop which sells beach wears,...